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Windshield Repair

Posted by Mariios on March 21, 2020

A windshield is an automobile’s laminated glass, consisting of two curved sheets of glass, with a plastic layer laminated between them and bonded into the front window of a car. Hence, provides visibility, as well as protection to the occupants from the elements, such as dust and insects. Although being the most significant part of an automobile, even a small piece of gravel with an extensive speed can cause a damage to windshields.

When windshield repairs are permissible?

Though fixing windshield can be done successfully, it depends upon four factors: the size, type, depth and location of the damage. Firstly, for cracks up to 6.1 cm, the glass repairs are permissible. Secondly, they are easy with circular bullseyes, linear cracks, and dings. Lastly, some windshield repairs cannot be done if they are on the inside of the glass.

Why fix your windshield?

Windshield repair is much preferable, as it is cheaper to fix a crack since it costs about $75. Furthermore, it is usually less if the vehicle has an insurance.

Finding Auto Glass.

          Internet has lots of options for repairing cracks and chips. Also, one can visit a local auto body shop that repairs windshields, meanwhile talking to people who have it done recently.

Therefore, considering a windshield repair for the cracks is always ideal since it saves the time and the money. By getting the repair right away, one can choose to prevent the cracks from getting bigger that could lead to an expensive windshield replacement.


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March 21, 2020
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Blue Diamond Auto Glass
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